Global Finance Strategies (GFS) was founded in 2012 by Linn Dorin as a subsidiary of Global Health Strategies (GHS), which has been providing expert consulting services to clients working in international health and development for nearly 15 years. GFS has offices in New York, New Delhi, Rio de Janeiro and Beijing and supports work in diverse countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas.
Before establishing GFS, Linn worked for 30 years as CFO and CAO for several international development organizations and as a finance and operations executive in the private sector. Drawing on these experiences and on GHS’s extensive international presence, particularly in the emerging economies and the global south, GFS helps its clients to build financial and organizational capacity globally. This comes at a time when the field of international development is undergoing a significant shift towards investment in local actors, which GFS has the skills and expertise to navigate.
Linn and the Principals of GHS decided to launch GFS when realizing the unique, insider perspective that she and her colleagues could provide clients trying to operate both domestically and internationally. After working in the field for nearly 30 years, Linn realized that there was a critical gap in services available to organizations and companies working domestically and in the emerging economies: that is, the capacity to build and maintain effective and accountable financial operations and to expand into emerging economies. Linn decided to launch GFS so that she could build local centers of excellence, in the US and in key emerging economies, which have the skills required to help organizations and companies expand and build their operations and financial capacity.
GFS’s expertise across multiple sectors and disciplines is particularly relevant, as the fields of international development and business are becoming increasingly integrated on a global scale. Emerging economies, private sector actors, and multi-sector partnerships are driving innovation and change in the field of international development, and this momentum presents both opportunities and challenges for development actors of all shapes and sizes. Under such circumstances, the need for a consulting company with global capacity and multi-sector expertise such as GFS is greater than ever. GFS staff have all spent time working at large development organizations, which uniquely positions the company to provide insider expertise that is unmatched by other consulting firms. With this combination of global capacity, experience and scope, the GFS team can address the wide range of finance and operations challenges facing actors from across all sectors with pragmatic, feasible and sustainable solutions.
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